Do you remember how thrilling it was to go to the record store when you knew your favorite band was releasing a new album? Or, going to KMart every week to see which 45's were in which spot on the charts? (I have the Number 1 btw, on 45, that was bought at KMart, lol) Did they correspond to the radio dj's list of most popular singles that week? And, those weren't your only I need a new needle? Can I possibly schlep all of these over to Becky's for the sleepover? And, will she have a portable turntable so we don't have to compete with the "old folks" giant console? Because, no doubt, they will be spinning Englebert Humperdinck, Kenny Rodgers, Tom Jones or, worse, Showboat. Fast forward. No pun intended....or maybe it is....we graduated from vinyl, to 8-tracks, to cassette tapes, to cds, to, *gasp* downloading/streaming everything from the internet. Now, there is something to be said for ins...