
Showing posts from 2017

All is Quiet on New Year's Day

Happy New Year from me and Michelle! We bid adieu to 2017 and looking forward to a rockin 2018 at  Offbeat Avenue Vintage. Here's a repost of Bertrand singing some ol' college drinking songs with his buds including this Penn State classic, Drink a Highball by Nightfall:

Singalong with Bertrand! (with Lyrics)

Bertrand recalled one of the holiday songs he sang as a young boy. Here he is singing a couple of verses! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Free Shipping Offer Just in Time for Thanksgiving!

Get free shipping at Offbeat Avenue vintage on domestic orders over $50! Hurry! Expires November 18, 2017. Click here to start shopping vintage now! Did you say Free Shipping? YES!

Punkcake Halloween in Windy Woo!

We wrapped up our third Punkcake of 2017 at Ralph's Rock Diner in Worcester MA and it was a great time. The weather was mild and the music was awesome. The wind, however, was fierce! Me and Michelle had to batten down the hatches a few times during the show as you'll see in this video. Looking forward to Punkcake in 2018!

We've Moved! Adios Downtown Leominster!

Yesterday we packed up the last of our inventory from at our Downtown Leominster location at 139 Central Street. We were so blessed to have the amazing help from Michelle's fiance Dennis, her daughter Rosie, and her son-in-law Mark and from my hub Steve. Thanks guys! 😄 Over the course of a year Michelle and I had acquired some truly amazing vintage pieces in addition to our existent inventory. It became impossible to adequately display what the beautiful items we had. We simply outgrew our tiny boutique! Michelle and I were a little sad to see our cool shop go, but we also realize this move will allow us to begin the next chapter of our business where we can be more agile, expand our online business , and have the opportunity to do more pop-up shows and vintage fairs. Back in 2014 we had the idea to open an online shop called Offbeat Avenue and it's been an awesome ride. Last year we opened up our Central Street boutique and had the chance to meet some really cool vi...

Johnny Appleseed Sighting at the Johnny Appleseed Festival


How Many Days Til Halloween? We Like to Start a Bit Early

Ok so we like to get silly. It's just our MO. Michelle and I have been feverishly listing vintage 90s Halloween gear (rubber masks, shoulder armor etc) in time for our favorite holiday, Halloween. While getting ready for Punkcake last week, we tried on a few of the Halloween masks and had some fun. Hope you enjoy this little video!

Offbeat Avenue at Punkcake August 2017 [Video]

We had another fantastic day at Punkcake on August 27th. The bands were amazing! Here's a video with a couple of highlights and lowlights (Bertrand moshes it up!)

What Sold This Week Ending August 5

Busy week for vintage sales! Here's a list of a few of the items that sold online this week. As we get toward the end of the summer our customers are looking for cool music, cool cooking, and looking cool! The Dead Milkmen Big Lizard in My Back Yard 1985  Vintage Photo Album w Extra Package of Filler Pages    70's Wrap Dress Tomato Red with White Dots Vintage Purse Black Patent Leather Vinyl Clutch Vintage Hazel Atlas Salt & Pepper Shakers Red, White, Yellow Striped Vintage Cookbook Campbell Soup Recipes 

Ladies Night Leominster 2017 - Special Offer

Don't miss out on coming to Ladies Night here in downtown Leominster at Monument Square on August 10 5PM to 8PM. This is a FREE event with tons of local vendors, giveaways, raffles, music, and a fashion show! You work hard so here's a chance to treat youself! Don't miss this awesome event! Offbeat Avenue will be open from 12-7 and we're running a special 20% off any purchase of $25.00 or more. Drop into our vintage boutique to see what's new: albums, jewelry, clothing, handbags, collectibles. Cool music is always on the hi-fi!

A Short Tour of Our New Digs in Wilton NH

Michelle added some more items to our new space at White Home Collections in Wilton NH this week! We are so excited because this space is almost as big as our store in downtown Leominster. To get there from Leominster, follow route 12 north to 31 all the way to New Hampshire. It's at the intersection of 31 and 101. Take a peek at this mini tour and when you get a chance, check it out!

We're All Moved into Our Second Location!

Last weekend we moved into our second location at White Home Collections in Wilton NH (about 40 minutes from downtown Leominster) on the second floor. We're still at 139 Central St. in Leominster and of course we're always open online at the Offbeat Avenue Etsy shop.  Check us out! Our space looks so pretty! Cozy corner Some select vintage clothing We love the light in this place White Home is such a lovely spot It was such a lovely day when we moved in!

The Resurgence of Vinyl Record Albums

Do you remember how thrilling it was to go to the record store when you knew your favorite band was releasing a new album? Or, going to KMart every week to see which 45's were in which spot on the charts? (I have the Number 1 btw, on 45, that was bought at KMart, lol) Did they correspond to the radio dj's list of most popular singles that week? And, those weren't your only I need a new needle? Can I possibly schlep all of these over to Becky's for the sleepover? And, will she have a portable turntable so we don't have to compete with the "old folks" giant console? Because, no doubt, they will be spinning Englebert Humperdinck, Kenny Rodgers, Tom Jones or, worse, Showboat. Fast forward. No pun intended....or maybe it is....we graduated from vinyl, to 8-tracks, to cassette tapes, to cds, to, *gasp* downloading/streaming everything from the internet. Now, there is something to be said for ins...

Offbeat Avenue Will Be at Punkcake Pop Up and Punk Rock Flea Market

We're so excited to have a table at this year's Punkcake Pop Up and Punk Rock Flea Market Sunday June 11, 12-5 at Ralph's Rock Diner in tropical Worcester MA. Get ready to be wowed by amazing music, peeps, vintage, crafts and coolness! And plenty of vintage goodies from Offbeat Avenue! This event  free! So come down and pick yourself up something nice while you rock out to live punk music from Origin Story, Loser's Circle, Marko and the Bruisers, Evil Filipe. For more info visit the Punkcake Facebook Page. Check out this video from one of their events this year:   

Summer Hours! Pop-Up Vintage Shows and More!

Starting this weekend we will be closed on Sundays so we can do some of the cool pop-up vintage shows, fairs, and markets going on in New England this summer! In fact, we'll be at the Punkcake Pop Up and Punk Rock Flea Market on Sunday, June 11 12PM-5PM. It will take place in the parking lot at Ralph’s Rock Diner along with our table of rad vintage stuff there will be art, crafts, maker wares, baker wares, flea market treasures, and incredible live punk music from Origin Story, Loser's Circle, Marko and the Bruisers, and Evil Filipe. This is an ALL AGES event and FREE to attend!! Michelle, Marguerite, and Bertrand will be on the road in a town near you! As for the boutique in skyscraper city Leominster we will be open Wed-Fri 11AM-4PM and Saturdays 11AM to 5PM and of course we're always open online ! Have a vintage-tastic weekend!

Preparing for Leominster's City Wide Yard Sale

We will be closed today (Thursday, May 18) and tomorrow (Friday, May 19) because we are getting ready for Leominster's City Wide Yard sale on Saturday, May 20! (Of course we're always open at our online vintage shop ). The yard sale is a great way to unload some of the the items we've been accumulating in our search for the best vintage stuff! Most of the vintage items we sell online and at our fab shop we acquire at auctions or estate sales, and they often come in large lots, with some items being vintage and others not. We sort through the items and choose the vintage goodies we want to put in our vintage store, and then the ones that aren't vintage or if they aren't the type of item we usually sell, we set aside for a great yard sale like this! Yard Sale Deets: When: Saturday May 20, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Where: 139 Central Street and locations all over Leominster (see map below) Why: It's a yard sale lover's dream! Good stuff cheap! Click t...

Light the Town Purple! Cancer Awareness Event Leominster

Michelle and I were so proud to win the contest for the best store front display for Leominster's Light the Town Purple Event on Thursday, May 11. This event is in support of the Greater Gardner Relay for Life, sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It was also a reminder for all of us to get cancer screenings early. Offbeat Avenue was one of many local businesses that decorated their store front window in purple to show our support! Watch our interview with Mayor Dean Mazzarella here: Light the Town Purple: With Song! It was a cool but very sunny evening when the event started at the steps of Leominster City Hall. The purple fire engine pulled up, along with the purple-adorned trolley full of the Fallbrook School Songbirds, who wowed us with their singing performances that evening. It was the perfect spring evening. A few of the songbirds before the performance  The audience fills up the front steps at City Hall. The Songbirds get ready for t...

How To Use Your Hollywood Fashion Clip

Look what we just unearthed, SO FUN!  Absolutely love these illustrations so we thought we would share the brochure with you.... ...maybe you own one of these and have no idea what to do with you can wear it! It is a tri-fold brochure, though there is no date, the mod fashion and hair-dos dates it from the late 60's - early 70's. Let's dive in! Here is the first section ~ "for an elegant head style" "Follow the exact instructions for a Glamour bow using a 36" square scarf." This is so pretty! She looks like a flower with this style! And, everyone needs an elegant head style... "utilize your smoke ring scarf" "For an Ascot - Pull Just The Tip of the smoke ring scarf through the ring and close the clip. Form the style by spreading the tip of the Scarf." "For a Collar -  Pull All The Material through the ring. Bring the clip to either side and close it on...