How To Use Your Hollywood Fashion Clip

Look what we just unearthed, SO FUN! Absolutely love these illustrations so we thought we would share the brochure with you.... ...maybe you own one of these and have no idea what to do with you can wear it! It is a tri-fold brochure, though there is no date, the mod fashion and hair-dos dates it from the late 60's - early 70's. Let's dive in! Here is the first section ~ "for an elegant head style" "Follow the exact instructions for a Glamour bow using a 36" square scarf." This is so pretty! She looks like a flower with this style! And, everyone needs an elegant head style... "utilize your smoke ring scarf" "For an Ascot - Pull Just The Tip of the smoke ring scarf through the ring and close the clip. Form the style by spreading the tip of the Scarf." "For a Collar - Pull All The Material through the ring. Bring the clip to either side and close it on...