Happy Birthday Marc Bolan
We love vintage everything here, and that includes the music we loved way back when! One of my top ten artists to bring to a deserted island....oh, who am I kidding, I'd need more than that...would be the music of Marc Bolan and T-Rex. I remember years ago when I was working as a counter manager/makeup artist for Ultima II (another blast from the past) Yes, it was the 80's. Ultima II was some of the best stuff around! I still crave my ProCollagen Eye Complex and CHR makeup! Argh, and what ever happened to those awesome sticky, shiny lip glosses? Where's my time machine? Anyways, the adjoining Lancôme counter lady was just nuts for T. Rex back in the 70's. I remember in the late 70's, listening to old T. Rex from one of my good friends Dad's collections and I loved it, but never really dug deep enough. Ms. Lancôme made me a bunch of tapes with all sorts of really far back, and to me obscure, before they were T. Rex and were Ty