Seems fall is really in the air for everyone going by this week's most favorited items on Offbeat Avenue. 1. First on the list is not surprisingly, with Halloween coming up so fast, our vintage Gremlins movie Gizmo costume pattern! Still factory-folded, this is in excellent shape and is at a great price at $30. No one at the party will have this costume! UPDATE: This pattern sold September 12! 2. Next is our vintage Argus camera with leather case. For photographer buffs, the Argus is a film camera that produces sharp high quality pictures and was once one of the best selling cameras in the U.S. It's durable and relatively easy to repair (unlike digital cameras of today). 3. Too early to be thinking about Thanksgiving? Not for our shoppers. Our huge vintage Turkey Platter got tons of favorites and views this week. Perfect for your old-fashioned Thanksgiving. 4. The time to dress up for the weather is fall and we've got what everyone wants: silver lam...
This will be short, just an observation.... Yesterday morning, fed up with news and reality tv, I put on our local "retro" tv station. They had early (1972) 70's reruns of Sanford and Son, a show I have loved since I saw it back then, when I was a kid, at my Grandma's house. It was Fred's birthday (Red Foxx, another Sagittarian), and Lamont wanted to treat him to a fancy night out, even bought him a special hat for the occasion. (photo from ) The first place Lamont brought his Dad was to a fancy bar for a pre-theatre drink....and this is where I had to comment. Lamont got a Martini and Fred, after not getting his much wanted draft beer, got an Old Fashioned ("where's the ice cream?"). The bartender went and made their drinks, returned and said "That'll be $2.50", to which Lamont gave him $3.00 "keep the change". Fred was in amazement that two drinks were that expe...
Update: this copper pot sold! Winter afternoons I like to start little projects for Offbeat Avenue. Michelle and I have our specialties, she's the expert in crafts and design, and I'm the fixer upper. I clean, sew, repair vintage items to get them ready for sale. I enjoy taking something that's been in hiding for decades and making it ready for its Offbeat Avenue debut! Case in point, I have had this gorgeous copper pot for a few months and I didn't want to put it up for sale without giving it the once (or twice, thrice) over. This heavy duty Stockli Netstal Copper Hammered Pot Casserole Pan was a little rough, so I decided to shine it up. Well that took some elbow grease as it hadn't been shined up in ages. The wood handles needed to be cleaned up too as years of gunk got into the pretty scrolled design. I went through so many blackened napkins before you could really see the beauty of the hammered copper. But once I was finished what a...
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