The Road to Our Vintage Shop Part 3: Signage

New Vintage Shop opening in Downtown Leominster this fall? Sign me up!

This weekend up here in New England has been super hot--it hit 90 degrees yesterday! Seems like the perfect weather for going up on a hot tar roof to do some sign hanging, doesn't it?

Well, that's what my husband did yesterday.

There's a window on the second floor of our new shop that you can see from the street, so it seemed like the best place to put our Offbeat Avenue signage.

Me and the hub hanging the sign. Believe it or not I got sunburned just from hanging out the window!

My hub Steve got up on the roof and got to work, while Michelle stood on the street level to let us know if it was centered correctly.

Steve used screws with washers to hold down the grommets on the vinyl sign.

Once it was all set our sign was up! Hooray! It made it seem much more real now. And we're psyched people will be able to see our sign as they drive by.

The sign looks great!
The warm weather also seemed like the perfect opportunity to get wiggy--that is, shampoo some vintage wigs to list. We got a couple of these at an estate sale about a year ago and they needed some serious TLC. I won't show a pic of what they looked like before (let's just say they took on the shape of the round box and looked like a Frankenstein hairdo).

Post shampoo, getting dry in the warm air.
One is a pretty auburn short shag wig by Abbott Tresses in its original box. The other is what we used to call a "fall," also known as a wiglet, which you put on top of your existing hair to give it some height. Both of these wigs are human hair so they're very natural looking and can be styled just like your real hair. That's why they tend to be more expensive than synthetic. I must say I work with synthetic wigs on our mannequin for photo shoots and these natural hair wigs are easier to work with.
After shampoo and set: ready for her new owner!
Other listings I'm working on are some fabulous vintage shoes from the 60s and some vintage lingerie. Here's a pic of me with the shoe on but I won't model the lingerie!

They don't quite fit! But look how cute!
Don't forget to mozey to your right of this blog and sign up for our newsletter if you haven't already! That way you'll know exactly when we'll be opening so you can check us out!

See you next time!


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