Happy New Year! What's In Store

Ready to ring in the New Year? We are! It's been a great year for us here at Offbeat Avenue. We went to some amazing auctions in the spring to get great items to sell; met some great people at Ladies Night in the summer, opened our brick in mortar shop in downtown Leominster in September, and had a busy Christmas season online and at our shop! We can't wait to see what 2017 brings.

Even though Christmas is over, we're still getting lots of views of our items online.

Here are some of the most viewed items this last week of 2016.

Vintage Ceramic Lady Head Vase Planter Bust with Original Necklace and Plastic Flowers Thick False Eyelashes Green Dress and Hat

Vintage Ceramic Lady Head Vase Planter Bust with Original Necklace

We love this lady! Like some girls we know (😏) she's in good condition for her age! We love her original pearl necklace and festive plastic bouquet as her hat! She would look great on a bedroom vanity, or in a classic pink tile bathroom.

Vintage Radio Zenith Console Floor Standing Cabinet Radio 30's 40's Mid Century Music Entertainment Furniture Tube Radio PICK UP Central MA

Vintage Radio Zenith Console Floor Standing Cabinet Radio 

We're not surprised this vintage radio is getting a lot of views online. It's one  of the most popular items in our shop. Visitors always ask about it, if it's for sale, and if it works. It's for sale but we are not sure it works as it doesn't have a plug so we cannot test it. I would love to turn it into a home bar of some kind, it's so cool looking! It even has buttons for local radio stations here in Massachusetts such as WBZ, WEEI, and WMUR. 

Vintage Book The New Basic Reader We Work and Play 1956 Dick & Jane School Book 50's Mid Century Ephemera Paper Charming Illustrations

Vintage Book The New Basic Reader We Work and Play 1956 Dick & Jane School Book 

Books continue to be popular sellers here at Offbeat Avenue and this is one of our favorites. This is from the original Dick and Jane reading series that was used in schools for decades. The simple, repetitive sentences with vibrant illustrations helped millions of children learn to read. Such a classic!

Vintage Compact Dorset Fifth Avenue Powder Compact w Etched Flowers 50's 60's Mid Century Beauty Fashion Cosmetics Vanity Pink Powder Puff
Vintage makeup items get a lot views on our shop because people like to give them as gifts, or replace the makeup and use the pretty container. This compact is in lovely condition, with a pink puff and and etched case.

Vintage Franciscan Ware Desert Rose Teapot 1940s Made in California Stamp Ceramics Pottery Earthenware Stoneware with Lid

My mother gave this to me. The Desert Rose pattern was her mother's wedding pattern. What I love about it is the simple elegant shape, and although it is more than 70 years old, it looks so modern and would look perfect in any dining room or kitchen. It's in excellent condition. No chips or cracks. 

Have a very Happy New Year!


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