A Few Of Your Favorite Things - Week of March 10

We're turning the clocks back tonight and soon spring will be here, so Michelle and I are listing some fresh new vintage goodies this weekend!

As we list new items we like to see what our visitors are most interested in. 

Here is a list of some of our most favorited vintage items this week:

Our most favorited item has been this gorgeous antique embroidered dress.

Coming in at #2, this avocado green Samsonite overnight bag is one of OUR favorites too! Update May 2018: SOLD

Our antique blouse gets a lot of looks and comes in at #3.
update April: SOLD!

As people start to shop for wedding gifts, we are noticing this antique Royal Doulton plate is one of our most favorited items. Update May 2018: SOLD

With all the talk of the upcoming Royal Wedding with Meghan Markle people are starting to think about fascinator hats.
update April: SOLD!

What's your favorite item this week? Browse our Etsy shop here>>


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