New Videos! Vintage Estate Sale Haul and Going Back to the 80s

Busy busy! Check out the latest videos from Offbeat Avenue. Up first, Michelle's got a mondo haul of vintage to share from the back of the OffbeatMobile. You'll see tons of vintage cookbooks, a Lite Brite game (original of course!) a Sears sewing machine and much more.
She'll be listing these on our Etsy shop here: Offbeat Avenue on Etsy

Next up Marguerite goes back to the 80s to share some awesome authentic 80s clothing including an Esprit sport tank, animal print bodybuilder pants (a la MC Hammer) and a Madonna inspired crop jersey. These are on sale on our Depop shop here. Offbeat Avenue on Depop

Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel to stay up to date with the latest in vintage aweseomness here: Offbeat Avenue YouTube channel.


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