50's DIY Halloween Costumes
With Halloween right around the corner, and with this great booklet selling recently,
we couldn't let it out of out hands without first taking some snaps to share with you these fantastic mid century illustrations!
Not sure if these could really be re-created in such glory as shown, (these are all crepe paper!!),
but it's really fun to look! And, if you ever find this out in the wild, pick it up for great inspiration.
Easy-To-Make Colorful Costumes of Dennison Crepe Paper
Softcover, 1952, 31 pages.
Amazing graphics for costumes, both black & white and color!
Isn't she adorable? Back then, this cost less than 50 cents to make!
I'll bet this one was more than 50 cents....
Just start with a regular jumper suit, add some crepe paper, and voila! you have a costume.
This is Rose, who starts off the flower fairies. Love the hat!
Above is Lily, gorgeous, but how quickly would all of that white be covered in Reese's Peanut Butter cup chocolate?
Yup, definitely the 50's. Above is Poppy. You could still have poppies back then.
Pansy. You know, this one I could probably handle making, doesn't look too hard.
Ditto the little Garden Fairy, looks pretty easy, just a lot of individual flowers.
Rosebud, my favorite! Though I am partial to the name :)
Now we get into specific Holiday costumes. Sure, could be used for Halloween, but seems more like for use in a parade. There were more parades back then too.
I'll bet there was a lot of crepe paper used on those floats!
The above is a Puritan, or Pilgrim for Thanksgiving, and the cutest little bunny for Easter.
Hmmm, what Holiday is this? Maybe they're just random? How about the Summer/Fall Harvest!
Still, I really don't want to be a tomato or a carrot.
Creepy mid century Santa Claus alert!!
Eh, I guess when you look at some of the bug-eyed alien Easter Bunnies of recent,
he's not quite as bad.
Rainbow and Sunbeam. These are also my speed to be able to make. I think I can shred paper.
And, nowadays, you could just use your electric office shredder! Easy and quick!
Panda Bear is adorable!! Except those alien bug eyes. Did I mention I find those creepy?
Robin....I don't understand this one at all. Plus, wow!, look at all the little individual "feathers" you'd have to cut out! Loads of work, and probably a giant mess.
Love Frogs! She's too cute!
Rooster....ACK! See the comment for Robin above. Plus, he's got Peter Griffin's chin.
Gorgeous! If you have the time. Love the illustration though!
This is stunning just as is! They should just make these huge-like and hang them on the wall. Love it!
Cute, but she looks a tad possessed.
Leaves to add to your pretty flower head-dress.
Fairy is so cute, a prefect little girl costume!
Little Bo Peep. I wonder if she could sit down in this one?
An adorable little Pixie! Loads of crepe paper, but so worth it! Plus, the cuteness of this little elf would help balance out the creepy-ness of the above Santa Claus.
Queen-of-the-May. Do people still celebrate this anymore? I still have my May basket that my parents would fill with candy. And, yes, it's made of crepe paper!
Looks like Valentines Day to me. Lots of details on this one!
Angel, loads of paper yardage, but looks pretty do-able. Now-a-days I would just buy some wings though, as those look like a chore.
King and Queen.
Could you even IMAGINE current day prom kids dressing up in crepe paper capes and crowns?
These are fantastic! Love the little details...check out her black cat hat!
Bet you could substitute little skelly heads for the pumpkins too.
Back to Thanksgiving.
Or, maybe a play?
Look how serious he looks....hey, baby, check me out in all my crepe paper finery!
Well, Scarlett did use curtains.....why not crepe paper?
Lady of the 80's my ass.....oh, wait, 1880's....wrong 80's.
I don't think Aqua Net goes well with crepe paper.
Neither does Depeche Mode.
Robin Hood. Poor kid, not a very big bag for candy.
Maybe he can use his hat.
Why is the drummer girl so happy??
Because she has much less crepe paper on than the rest of them.
While I love her look, I can't help wondering what she's looking at, mouth agape.
Did the Garfield float get away?
Is there an alien space ship touching down in the middle of the parade route?
Or.... Oh no, looks like rain! My precious crepe paper crown!!
Zebra. Very cute. How does he see though?
Ballerina and Miss America, very pretty!
Vixen (the reindeer) and Christmas Gift.
Gotta say, Christmas Gift has got to be my favorite! It's like she has had too many cocktails and has a lampshade on her head. Only it's not a lampshade, it's a tiny Christmas tree. Ha!
And then the packages. What does she do? Roam around with scissors and have people cut the gift off of her skirt? Something tells me she should not be carrying scissors.
Clown. Cute in the illustration....but, can you imagine what a homemade clown might look like?
Dutch Boy and Girl.
Sorry, but this reminds me of buying paint.
Irish Colleen.
And this reminds me of that Star Trek episode where the drunk guy keeps singing about Colleen.
Hawaiian. Very pretty, another "shredder" skirt.
Scandinavian. Looks simple enough, though a huge skirt.
Spanish. Another one of my faves, this illustration is stunning!
And that's the end.
Fantastic illustrations! Would love to find an actual handmade crepe costume that has survived from this time, just to see how crafty it turned out.
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