Men from Maine (and Ladies too) 1930's
A few weeks back, we found this spectacular vintage photo album at a thrift shop.
Didn't really realize just how cool though until sitting down with it to sift through and grab some photos to list it for sale.
This has just too many amazing, historical photos to not share every page!
This is going to be a very photo heavy post, but worth every picture!
Here's the full album, pretty great condition for about 85 years!
This is a close-up of the embossing on the front cover. Deer, elk, moose? Not sure, but pretty neat!
It's hard to make out the writing, but I think the fashionable couple are Jezebel & Clifton.
The adorable baby with the Christmas tree is Dan, and the toddlers in the field are Elaine & Dan.
Looks like all three of the ladies are graduation pictures of Ruth, and a graduation picture of Gordon.
Cannot make out the name of this lovely grad, but they are both the same lady.
The man in the fantastic hat is Gerdd.
The couple is Hazel & ?
The two top looks like Lester, but it's a girl, love the dress and the saxophone!
Gordon is once again to the left, and the trio is ?, Mac, & Beeder.....I think...
Top photo is Aunt Regina, Uncle John, Dad & Wilma.
Bottom is Leatha & Clifton, LOOK AT THAT CAR!!
The standing couple are Aunt Etta & Uncle Ed.
No names on these, just the dates. Taking a wagon ride on the farm in the upper left corner, and, below right, looks like potato harvesting time!
Here we have 3 views of an old boat and a deer.
The lady to the left is Hazel, I think she's knitting.
This group of folks to the right look COLD.
Snow covered car and baby La Dene!
More deer, a bear!, and someone waiting by the porch.
I kind of like the way they have put the bear behind the screen next to the woman behind the screen.
Whoa, loads of potatoes!!
And, a horse. More of those to come soon.
Another cold pose.
Beautiful horses and baby Elaine.
Carrie, Mary & Hazel (sounds like a 60's girl group!).
Gerald & Gordon (ditto).
Gordon & Gerald with their horses.
All Elaine & Dan.
Look at Dan's little pudgy face, how cute!
Robert at top.
Still waiting (but no bear).
Phi Etta Kappa, University of Maine (home?).
Not sure on her name, looks like Leatha again.
The ladies: Leathe, Wilda, Ette, Hazel, Elvira, Hattie, Florence M. (because apparently there were 2?), and Regina.
The men must not have mattered much as they don't have names.
All together now. All together now.
Gerald, Gordon & Robert.
The girls and the snow.
Gorgeous shot of the girls, a handsome couple.
Captain Sexy, that's Gerald again. What a pose....
"Our wood pile".
I kid you not, that's what's written.
Janice & David, and the band!
Another woodpile shot and their first snow plow! Check it out, it's more wood!
Gordon & Gerald skiing.
Looks like a State Trooper to the right top...they must've been speeding on the wood plow.
More hog. A cute one though :)
Love, love, love the chick with the guitar!
"2 Southern ladies" up top, Wendell on the bottom, and some great dresses on the right.
And, Jenny :)
Some that were piled in the pages, Bob, Vesta, & girls.
Gerald & Eunice.
The whole fam-damily.
The monument writing seems kind of odd: "Trip to Florida & Cal. week in a small trailer 1944".
This one looks much older than the rest, look at those clothes! What pretty scenery!
This was the last thing found, obviously fast forwarding to the 60's. So fancy!
"The night of October 23, 1965
Commander's Reception
This is my lace dress Gram."
These are such a fun peek back in history! The clothes, the homes, the cars, the land!
Much better than a land filled with strip malls and parking lots.
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